33 He [t]changes rivers into a [u]wilderness
And springs of water into a thirsty ground;
34 A fruitful land into a salt waste,
Because of the wickedness of those who dwell in it.
35 He [v]changes a [w]wilderness into a pool of water
And a dry land into springs of water;
36 And there He makes the hungry to dwell,
So that they may establish [x]an inhabited city,
37 And sow fields and plant vineyards,
And [y]gather a fruitful harvest.
38 Also He blesses them and they multiply greatly,
And He does not let their cattle decrease.39 When they are diminished and bowed down
Through oppression, misery and sorrow,
40 He pours contempt upon [z]princes
And makes them wander in a pathless waste.
41 But He sets the needy [aa]securely on high away from affliction,
And makes his families like a flock.
42 The upright see it and are glad;
But all unrighteousness shuts its mouth.
43 Who is wise? Let him give heed to these things,
And consider the lovingkindnesses of the Lord.
As one reads through the final section of Psalm 107, we see a picture of fertile ground turning into wilderness, and the former wilderness becoming fertile and inhabited. In the first instance, it is due to the wickedness of those who lived there, and the latter, the good people… Oh wait, that’s not right! Though later we might imply such things as God “makes his families like a flock”, God makes it so because there are hungry and needy people.
Before we fall into the classic (wrong) mindset of Job’s friends, remember that Jesus said God sends rain on both the just and the unjust. So what can we glean from this passage then? If God doesn’t always send pestilence on the wicked and blessings on those following Him, what then? The psalmist tells us in v. 43, “Who is wise? Let him give heed to these things, and consider the lovingkindnesses of the Lord.”
Who changes the rivers into wilderness, or a fruitful land into a salt waste? Who likewise turns a wilderness into a pool of water, and dry land into springs of water? Who pours contempt on princes, or rescues the needy? Why should the upright see any of this and be glad, or why ought the unrighteous to keep their mouth shut? Because God is in control. He does all these things, according to His plan, and according to His amazing and incredible lovingkindness.
That might just mean someone you don’t like is getting a blessing. None of us is the “center of the world”, He is. God has his reasons for whatever He has done, so stop fretting because it isn’t going the way you think it should. Instead, focus on Him, get your own heart right, inspect your own motives. Are you doing right just to get blessed, or are you doing what is right to be a blessing? God’s example is the ultimate, giving is a blessing when we do it right, with His heart in the center.