Psalm 131

Childlike Trust in the Lord.

A Song of Ascents, of David.

131 O Lord, my heart is not proud, nor my eyes [a]haughty;
Nor do I [b]involve myself in great matters,
Or in things too [c]difficult for me.
Surely I have composed and quieted my soul;
Like a weaned child rests [d]against his mother,
My soul is like a weaned child [e]within me.
O Israel, hope in the Lord
From this time forth and forever.

For some, this passage may remind them of the ongoing political drama that surrounds us, but for me, it hit a little “closer to home” this past week. In the field where I work, there have been massive political machinations and windstorms, and it would be all too easy to get swept up in it all.

It’s not over yet, but one thing is clear–it can and has eaten up way too much of my time and the time of many who should not really be involved. It isn’t over yet, and we certainly watch to see what it will do to our industry, and to see what the outcome will be. But one other thing is clear, becoming embroiled in this drama is the opposite of v. 2, composed and quiet.

The antidote is found in v. 3. Rather than being anxious and distraught about things that are out of our control, we put our trust and hope in God–now, and forever. Now, if you are in a position to actually enact change, then those things are not “too difficult” for you, or at least they aren’t if you are trusting God to guide and direct your steps.

For many of us, our role is to be informed, and to make our voice heard at the ballot box. And actually, in the drama that afflicts by work world, it is much the same, except my wallet is my vote in that case. Whatever the case, we need to seek God’s will, and ask Him for wisdom. Then trust that He will be your guide, and that He will not lead you astray–because He won’t.

God’s path is rock solid, and nothing can change the fact that He loves us and wants what is best for us. That is a truth that will keep you through any storm and His peace will enable you to be composed and quiet, just like the psalmist. Take a moment, step out of the frenetic current of this world, and follow in His footsteps.

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