Psalm 119: 105-112

105 Your word is a lamp to my feet
And a light to my path.
106 I have sworn and I will confirm it,
That I will keep Your righteous ordinances.
107 I am exceedingly afflicted;
[av]Revive me, O Lord, according to Your word.
108 O accept the freewill offerings of my mouth, O Lord,
And teach me Your ordinances.
109 My [aw]life is continually [ax]in my hand,
Yet I do not forget Your law.
110 The wicked have laid a snare for me,
Yet I have not gone astray from Your precepts.
111 I have inherited Your testimonies forever,
For they are the joy of my heart.
112 I have inclined my heart to perform Your statutes
Forever, even to the end.

This passage begins with a well-known verse that’s been in my mind several times throughout this chapter. This isn’t terribly surprising in a chapter that is all about God’s word, His law, and His promises. Yet it is easy to forget, as the psalmist notes in v. 109, “My life is continually in my hand…” In other words, we continually have this choice: do we take matters into our own hand(s), or do we remember God’s teaching and follow Him instead?

The psalmist not only swore that he would keep God’s law, He confirmed it again. And so must we, again, and again, each and every day. Truthfully, it is more than daily, as we come up against decisions in our lives constantly where we much choose: God’s way, or my way? Are we going to “incline our hearts” to do what God asks, or will we go astray and test the snare of the wicked.

Guess who is going to win that test? It surely isn’t you! So many look at God’s instructions as a list of do nots. Rather, there are plenty more things we ought to be doing. And if we are doing His will, we will steer clear from those things we ought not to do. That’s easier said than done, and inevitably, we will be tempted to disobey God, to just push the boundaries a little bit, to take just a peek over the edge.

That is why we must continually make the choice, at least daily, will we follow God’s way, even if it doesn’t seem as much “fun”? Something Dave Ramsey often says is, “Children do what feels good in the moment, adults devise a plan and follow it.” It’s a good reminder when we want to give in to what “feels good”, to be sure we aren’t acting like children. It is good to have fun, and enjoyment, when it’s part of the plan.

And it is especially sweet when it is part of the plan. Thing is, God already has the plan we should be following, though it’s up to us to apply that to our every day lives. So once more, make your choice, and confirm it today, and tomorrow, and every day after that. Live according to a plan, to God’s plan, following His principles, and His heart. It may not always be fun, but it will always be worth it!

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