Psalm 119:73-80

73 Your hands made me and [ac]fashioned me;
Give me understanding, that I may learn Your commandments.
74 May those who [ad]fear You see me and be glad,
Because I [ae]wait for Your word.
75 I know, O Lord, that Your judgments are righteous,
And that in faithfulness You have afflicted me.
76 O may Your lovingkindness [af]comfort me,
According to Your [ag]word to Your servant.
77 May Your compassion come to me that I may live,
For Your law is my delight.
78 May the arrogant be ashamed, for they subvert me with a lie;
But I shall meditate on Your precepts.
79 May those who [ah]fear You turn to me,
Even those who know Your testimonies.
80 May my heart be [ai]blameless in Your statutes,
So that I will not be ashamed.

This passage seems to build on the last couple, in that the psalmist both speaks of afflictions and of God’s love and compassion, because those go together, believe it or not. As the passage begins, he asks God for understanding (or wisdom), and that is something else (God’s) afflictions accomplish in us. We might not learn much when someone punches us in the gut. But when God puts us through the fire, it is for good reason… and for good results.

In v. 74, those who fear the Lord should be glad, because they see in the psalmist the hope worth waiting for, that comes from God’s word. Why do we put our hope in God’s word, even when He promises us trials and afflictions? Because God’s word also tells us of His great compassion and lovingkindness. These are no more random trials, but God working in us.

Go back to the beginning, and we are reminded that God has handcrafted each of us. Some might sarcastically say, “oh thanks God!” but do not take it for granted, because He isn’t done either. Throughout our whole lives, God is still taking hammer and chisel, anvil and tongs (ouch), and continuing to craft His masterpiece.

Why? Because of His great love and compassion for us, and for others. This psalm also speaks of those who will see it and be glad. Those who will fear and revere the Lord because of what they see in our lives when we are tried, tested, and come through on the other side (with God’s hand leading the way). It is not just for you that you are purified and improved, but so that “they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in Heaven.” Be a light and shine all the brighter in spite of various trials, even because of those very trials.

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